Model of the steamship Romeu

Model steamship Romeu, unknown, 1920

Llegir més

Num. inventory: 11322

Object name: model steamship

Title: Steamship Romeu

Object date: 1920

Author: Unknown

Technique and material: wood, cloth, plant fibre, metal, paint. Model ship.

Model ships

This steamer and its sister ship, the Escolano, were built by the Compañía Valenciana de Vapores Correos de África in 1918 at the factory of the Sociedad Española de Construcción Naval in Cartagena. The Romeu became part of the fleet of the Compañía Trasmediterránea soon after its creation, and had a long career. In 1975, the last we know of the ship is that under the new name Enrique Nvó it became part of the Navy of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea. Because of its quality, it is possible that this model comes from the shipyard where the craft was built. It was probably given to the shipowner, and some years later the Compañía Trasatlántica donated it to the Museum.