Professionals and experts

For years, Maritime Museum of Barcelona has reflected on everything a cultural institution like ours can be involved in: education, archives, conservation, research accessibility… Museums can seek to develop audiences, work as a network, collaborate with the community, or take part in a long list of other initiatives.

Our goal is to create and share collaborative projects for educating and reflecting on the different professional areas our Museum is involved in on the one hand, and maritime heritage on the other. We also aim to promote research on maritime culture and heritage.

Professional activities
cursos conferències MMB

Pere de Prada i Arana

activitats professionals MMB

Pere de Prada i Arana

Aimed principally at professionals from educational departments, activities or public programs by museums and similar spaces. Designed for debate on the educational role of our institutions.

Celebrated twice a year and aimed at promoting debate on archives in museums and cultural institutions. More information.

On museums and accessibility, museums and the public and museums and the educational community. These are attended by professionals from different museums who come together on a regular basis to discuss topics related to this area of interest. This activity takes place in Maritime Museum of Barcelona in a closed format.

Museums and Education Seminars

Celebrated biennially with the goal of developing research programs, sharing the results of these projects and becoming a point of reference for maritime culture and history in this country, while also serving as a meeting space for everyone interested in the sea as a cultural space.With this objective, since 2009 the Maritime Museum of Barcelona, together with the Ramon Muntaner Institute and the Coordinadora de Centres d’Estudis de Parla Catalana, promotes the celebration of a Seminar on local research, maritime heritage and history.

This Seminar has a double objective: on the one hand, it serves as a meeting point and a place to exchange ideas and projects on maritime history and culture. On the other, it helps to evaluate the state of research on matters related to the sea and to guide future projects. This Seminar is held every two years.