Model of the packet boat Royal Edward

packet boat Royal Edward

Model packet boat Royal Edward, Luis Jacoby Gomez, c. 1929

Llegir més

Num. inventory: 1

Object name: model packet boat

Title: Packet Boat Royal Edward

Object date: c. 1929

Author: Luis Jacoby Gomez

Technique and material: wood, cloth, plant fibre, metal, paint. Model ship.

Model ships

This model is the first piece held by the Maritime Museum of Barcelona, even before it was constituted as such. It was acquired by the Nautical Institute of the Mediterranean in 1931, and when this institution disappeared in 1936, its entire collection was transferred to the Maritime Museum of Barcelona. This model represents a ship built in 1908 at the Fairfield Shipbuilding and Engineering Co. Ltd., in Glasgow. The Royal Edward and its sister ship were built by the Egyptian Mail Steamship Co. Ltd. of London, but ended up with Canadian Northern Steamship Company. The Royal Edward was immobilized at the start of World War I, and was torpedoed and sunk on August 16th, 1915.