Model ex-voto of a fishing llagut from the Hermitage of Sant Antoni in Altafulla

fishing llagut Hermitage Sant Antoni Altafulla

Model llagut ex-voto Pedro Figuerola. Torredembarra, unknown, late 18th-early 20th century

Llegir més

Num. inventory: 245

Object name: Ex-voto (visual religious articles). Model llagut.

Title: Pedro Figuerola. Torredembarra

Object date: late 18th century-early 20th century

Author: unknown

Technique and material: wood, metal, paint, plant fibre, cloth. Model ship.


Model ex-voto of a fishing llagut with an unfurled sail and an embroidered inscription that reads “Pedro Figuerola” and “Torredembarra”. Figuerola is the name of the individual who offered the ex-voto (perhaps even the person that made it), while Torredembarra is the name of a Catalan town. This model is from the Hermitage of Sant Antoni in Altafulla, a nearby town, and it may have been made around the turn of the 20th century.